Trivago NV жаңы башкы каржы директору

Trivago NV жаңы башкы каржы директору
Trivago NV жаңы башкы каржы директору
Жазылган Гарри Джонсон

Гарри Каржы, Бизнести өнүктүрүү жана Маркетинг боюнча бай тажрыйбаны алып келет, бул аны жаңыланган лидерлик командасына баалуу кошумча кылат.

Trivago N.V., a global hotel and accommodation search platform, has recently finalized its leadership transition with the appointment of Robin Harries as the new Chief Financial Officer, effective from April 1, 2024.

Harries brings a wealth of experience in Finance, Business Development, and Marketing, making him a valuable addition to the revamped leadership team. His expertise will be instrumental in executing a refined strategic direction aimed at creating value for both users and advertisers. Harries is well-acquainted with the travel tech industry and Trivago, having previously held key leadership roles within the company from 2012 to 2018. Notably, he played a pivotal role in the company’s acquisition by Expedia in 2012, and later spearheaded trivago’s successful Nasdaq IPO in 2016, contributing significantly to its expansion in the Asia Pacific region before departing in 2018.

Johannes Thomas, the Chief Executive Officer at trivago, expressed his excitement about Robin’s return to the company. He emphasized Robin’s entrepreneurial drive, expertise, and proven track record within the industry. Thomas firmly believes that Robin’s presence will contribute to the continued growth of trivago’s financial standing and the organization as a whole.

Harries, on the other hand, shared his indescribable feeling about continuing his journey with trivago. He acknowledged the challenges he has faced in this environment, which have ultimately led to his personal and professional growth. Despite the recent challenging years for the company, Harries sees immense opportunities and a positive outlook for the future. He highlighted the strong trivago brand, its global recognition, and its highly relevant proposition in a large and expanding market.

In addition to the shared goal of revitalizing trivago and driving growth, Harries emphasized his focus on bolstering strategic decision-making with financial insights. He aims to empower the teams and build trust with investors through his contributions.

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  • Notably, he played a pivotal role in the company’s acquisition by Expedia in 2012, and later spearheaded trivago’s successful Nasdaq IPO in 2016, contributing significantly to its expansion in the Asia Pacific region before departing in 2018.
  • Гарри Каржы, Бизнести өнүктүрүү жана Маркетинг боюнча бай тажрыйбаны алып келет, бул аны жаңыланган лидерлик командасына баалуу кошумча кылат.
  • Мүмкүн болгон толуктоолор боюнча кененирээк маалыматыңыз болсо, интервьюларды чагылдыра аласыз eTurboNews, жана бизди 2 тилде окуган, уккан жана көргөн 106 миллиондон ашык адам көргөн бул жерди басыңыз.


Автор жөнүндө

Гарри Джонсон

Гарри Джонсон тапшырманын редактору болгон eTurboNews 20 жылдан ашык убакыт бою. Ал Гавайидеги Гонолулу шаарында жашайт жана теги Европадан. Жаңылыктарды жазып, чагылдырганды жакшы көрөт.

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