Бразилиянын президенти Болсонаронун тесттеринен COVID-19 табылды

Бразилиянын президенти Болсонаронун тесттеринен COVID-19 табылды
Бразилиянын президенти Болсонаронун тесттеринен COVID-19 табылды
Гарри Джонсондун аватары
Жазылган Гарри Джонсон
President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, has revealed live on television he has tested positive for Covid-19. The bombshell revelation was made by Bolsonaro during a televised interview on Tuesday.

“It came back positive,” a mask-wearing Bolsonaro told reporters today at lunchtime outside his official residence.

Bolsonaro, who has been criticized for repeatedly trivializing the coronavirus pandemic and flouting social distancing, even as Brazil became the second-worst-hit country after the United States, with more than 65,000 deaths and 1.6m confirmed cases, was tested yesterday after developing symptoms including a fever.

Bolsonari said he started feeling unwell over the weekend, adding that he is being treated with antibiotics and the anti-malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine.

# саякаттоону калыбына келтирүү


  • Bolsonaro, who has been criticized for repeatedly trivializing the coronavirus pandemic and flouting social distancing, even as Brazil became the second-worst-hit country after the United States, with more than 65,000 deaths and 1.
  • The bombshell revelation was made by Bolsonaro during a televised interview on Tuesday.
  • Bolsonari said he started feeling unwell over the weekend, adding that he is being treated with antibiotics and the anti-malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine.

Автор жөнүндө

Гарри Джонсондун аватары

Гарри Джонсон

Гарри Джонсон тапшырманын редактору болгон eTurboNews 20 жылдан ашык убакыт бою. Ал Гавайидеги Гонолулу шаарында жашайт жана теги Европадан. Жаңылыктарды жазып, чагылдырганды жакшы көрөт.
