Индиянын дарыгерлери: Өзүңүздү уйдун заңы менен жаап коюу сизди COVID-19дон сактап калбайт

In March, Madhya Pradesh Culture Minister Usha Thakur claimed that ‘havan’ (ritual burning) of cow dung could sanitize a house from COVID-19 for 12 hours. 

For Hindus, who form around 80% of India’s 1.3 billion population, the cow is a sacred animal and has been incorporated into several religious rituals. It is believed that the cow is representative of divine and natural beneficence. Cow’s dung is even used to clean homes and in prayer rituals.

In March and April, millions of Hindus descended on Haridwar and the Ganges river where the Kumbh Mela pilgrimage was being observed. Thousands of Covid-19 cases were recorded as millions of pilgrims travelled to the city to take a dip in the holy river.

According to the health ministry, there were a further 329,942 on Tuesday. Deaths from the disease rose by 3,876.


  • Thousands of Covid-19 cases were recorded as millions of pilgrims travelled to the city to take a dip in the holy river.
  • In March and April, millions of Hindus descended on Haridwar and the Ganges river where the Kumbh Mela pilgrimage was being observed.
  • It is believed that the cow is representative of divine and natural beneficence.

Автор жөнүндө

Гарри Джонсон

Гарри Джонсон тапшырманын редактору болгон eTurboNews 20 жылдан ашык убакыт бою. Ал Гавайидеги Гонолулу шаарында жашайт жана теги Европадан. Жаңылыктарды жазып, чагылдырганды жакшы көрөт.
